It occurred to me that this blog has focused far more on the simply than the fully of its title.

It leads me to wonder: As a result of simplifying, have we (my husband and I) made more space in our life for the people and the passions most important to us? I’m not sure I can answer this yet. I think in many ways we have made our packed-too-full life manageable. The fully right now is doing work that we love, furthering our educations, and starting a family. This has come at a great cost to our social lives and our engagement in the community (outside of paid work). I think we are now net debtors of family and friendship favors, too. One day it will again be our turn to give, and I look forward to that. In the nearer term, we are excited to be able to entertain again once we move! And we have a long list of friends in mind with whom to catch up.

While our lives are complicated, they are also distilled. We know who we are and share a common vision for our future. We let our core values guide us and let go of the things that are not important in our hearts. Superficial does not exist here… nor does “should.” We do what makes sense for our lives which, though not always easy, is simple.

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